Friday 27 July 2012

Howling Griffons 1250 vs Grey Knights

My army has grown enough that I played 1250 pts against Quinn's Grey Knights last night.  It wasn't pretty and I'm starting to wonder when we will be seeing their first victory at GW.  They have done well at a couple of smaller games at the school club, but these rarely get played to conclusion, so I can't really count those wins.

I have now added an Ironclad, a Rhino and a Devastator Squad, as well as enough marines for two full Tactical Squads.  Most are virtually finished, although 6 marines and the Rhino have only had a basecoat.

We rolled The Relic mission, but to be honest I struggled to get anywhere near it and was pushed back as the GK dominated.  His Vindicare Assassin was lucky to survive a snapshot from my Missile Launcher in the Rhino, but then went on to wreck my vehicles in short order.  Quinn does not like GK Terminators at all, but his two big squads of Interceptors proved far too manoeuvrable for me to deal with, and they put out a lot of shots too.

Quinn kept failing Ld tests on psychic powers and even towards the end when I tried to tank shock one of the Interceptors units, who were behind my lines.  However, with them falling back towards their own table edge, rather than the closest edge, which was just inches away, this proved rather pointless.

I did have a little luck with a few snapshots and managed to kill one squad of Interceptors, but not enough to trouble Quinn unduly.

The army still needs work to make it even vaguely competitive at the moment, but I have had a few positive comments about how they are looking.


  1. The army looking great, the army does look like a battle force army, but it only needs a few additions and tweaks to make it more competitive.

    A chaplain and a powerfist on the assault sarg are expensive on such as small squad, however expanding the squad with 5 more standard assault marines will make them much more effective. NB: I would also not add another HQ until you pass 1500 pts.

    The devastators have short ranged multi-meltas. I would swap those for the tactical squad missile launcher and heavy bolter. In 6th (I believe) you can combat squad as you get out of the rhino (or both half of the combat squads can be transported in the rhino). Use this to advance both halves of the tactical squad turn one, followed by the half with the Sarg disembarking and moving forward the other half with the multi-melta can either stay in the rhino in mid-field or disembark into cover near an objective (with the multi-melta much more likely to be in a better firing position).

    Consider giving the iron clad a drop pod (but that's an expensive addition, and I think increasing the assault marines is much more important.

    If you need more optimum weapon combinations try ebay to get the weapons that you can put on tactical marines.

    I would suggest you next purchases should be assault marines, a tactical squad and heavy weapon off ebay. The tactical squad gives you a 2nd missile launcher, so the devs could be 2 missiles (at the front for casualty removal) and 2 lascannons. As you probably don't need any ebay weapons try getting a 2nd rhino.

    All your army infantry (apart from the devs) would be able to advance together at roughly the same pace and support each other (2 tacticals squads in rhinos, running dreadnaught, full assault marine squad with chaplain). This solid block of 30 marines with dreadnaught would also be supported by long ranged firepower from the devs and predator, with snipers picking off powerfists sarg's and special weapons.

    Let me know what you think of my suggestions.


  2. Thanks for the tips!

    I thought it was only a Drop Pod that could carry a Tac Squad to start with, before they split into combat squads, but I will look into the Rhino option.

    I have plenty of spare models and bits for tweaking my force, from various projects over the years and a load of boxes I've picked up recently from someone quitting the hobby.

    Initially I had thought of MMs in the Tac Squads, and now that I have six heavy weapons I can swap them about a bit. Your point about the short range makes sense though.

    As well as expanding the Assault Marines, I had considered putting more of a meat shield in the Dev Squad too.

  3. I just opened WD to see Howling Griffons with Grey Knight allies! Pah..
