Sunday 12 January 2014

Howling Griffons Stormwing Formation

Flying machines have always been one of my passions and I have regularly used a Stormtalon in my Space Marine lists.  In addition to my Storm Eagle I have now assembled my Stormwing formation and also started basecoating it.  This will be fun!

Even with the new rules allowing Forge World models, I will rarely get the chance to field all 5 flyers at the same time, unless I play more Apocalypse.  So I'm trying to work out how best to include the Stormwing in 1.5K points.

All of my Stormtalons have Skyhammer missiles, as they always do well for me and aren't too expensive.  The Stormraven has the multi-melta, assault cannons and hurricane bolters.  My basic formation would therefore come to 480 points, so nearly a third of the total.

The next problem is that I now can't decide if it's worth putting any other units in the raven. Even a basic Tactical Squad and Dreadnought would be exactly half of my points stuck in reserve, possibly until Turn 4.

The rest of my list will need to soak up all the opposing fire until the flyers show up, so a fortification with a comms relay might be needed to give me a solid firebase.

Anti-air is another worry, especially Riptides, so a Command Squad on bikes with grav guns might be my best option, although my usual HQ is a biker MOTF with a conversion beamer. I would either need a different HQ or take two.  This would again limit my points for other units.

I have some decisions to take, but I plan on having fun testing out my options, whilst I get the models finished.


  1. Looking good there man! I'd say a tactical squad in the raven works well as its a scoring unit you can get anywhere on the table later in the game, always useful! Dreadnought depends who you're facing and what you equip him with. I have a heavy flamer dread that I use on him, otherwise I tend to deploy them normally

    1. Thanks Kevin. I have finally started on the yellow basecoat too, so they look more like Griffons now.
      I used the Raven this week with TH termies, a chaplain and an ironclad, which made a real mess against SW in combat.
      My next plan is to try out a tac squad with a rifleman dread, as shooting seems to be the way to go currently.
