Sunday 18 May 2014

My background story for GW Newbury's Tale of Gamers


Date : 972.M41.157
Location : Alendry IV
I continue to investigate the activities of Warboss Zogsmasha.  Until now his motives were unclear, even to myself.  There seemed to be little pattern to his vicious attacks on various agricultural facilities and jungle worlds across fourteen systems.   However, our glorious Emperor has proved beneficent in enabling me to capture and interrogate a so-called ‘Painboy’ of Zogsmasha’s Blood Axe tribe during the successful defence of the main grey-algae production vat complex on Dreah.  This action was undertaken by the heroic Mitorian XIII supported by elements of the Howling Griffons’ 9th Company Ancorae Mancorae, under the overall command of Captain Leomar Adler.

My interrogation of this creature, which refered to itself as ‘Skabrippa’, quickly revealed that Zogsmasha is deliberately attacking worlds in the path of  hive fleet Thanatos.  After my initial scepticism at this seemingly suicidal strategy, Skabrippa was then persuaded to reveal that Zogsmasha has heard tell of a mythical greenskin called ‘Grom the Flabby’.  (I initially believed this name to be in the correct form, although I have always been wary of xeno-linguistic servitors).  According to Skabrippa, this Grom creature is said to have gained remarkable healing powers by consuming parts of other beasts with regenerative abilities.

(After exhaustive research I was able to uncover a reference to a similarly named ‘Grom the Paunch’ in the heretical tome [CENSORED BY ORDER OF THE IMPERIUM])

It appears that Zogsmasha is attempting to gain similar powers by capturing and dissecting one of the larger Tyranid organisms with the capacity to self-heal.  His quest represents a significant threat to the Imperium in a number of ways.  Were Zogsmasha to be successful, an unkillable warboss could see the rise of a large Waagh.  If this ability could be passed on to the entire Waagh, they would require significantly increased firepower to resist.   Even if Zogsmasha  is unable to locate a suitable organism or his painboys cannot perform the required procedures, the prospect of Thanatos absorbing the biomass from a sizeable Waagh is even more dangerous.

I request the assignment of a Deathwatch squad to eradicate Zogsmasha and his currently small group of followers believed to be en route to my location in the Alendry system, before his Waagh regains momentum.  Only his toughest warriors survived Dreah, but they will surely grow in number again, if left unchecked.  I know that Brother Elias, formerly of the Salamanders chapter would welcome the opportunity to bring his weapon known as the Wyvern’s Breath to bear against these foul xenos.

Thought for the day: Power resides in the will of the Righteous

by M.Hewitt

Warboss and Nobz - work in progress

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