Friday 20 April 2012

Getting there slowly

I had a quick 800pts game at the club on Tuesday with my guard against one of the boys there, who has a nicely-painted vanilla SM army with a couple of dreads.  It was Dawn of War - Annihilation, and I got to set up on the halfway line, which pushed him right back.  The walkers proved to be easy points, and the only point I conceded were from my Veterans, who failed to turn up by the time we had to finish.

I also went along to GW Newbury's Vets' Night again yesterday to do a bit of painting, and am nearly there with the Howling Griffons.  I did the bases with Zandri Dust and applied some 'Ardcoat all over.  I want to give the bases another coat and tidy up a couple of bits I had missed and then I will concentrate on getting the Chaplain done, hopefully by the end of next week.

Having researched a bit of the background for the Howling Griffons, I saw they had a run in with the Soul Drinkers, so I picked up their Omnibus yesterday too.


  1. Hi,

    I just came accross your blog, very nice griffins. What type of list are you aiming for ?


  2. I started the unit just as an entry for a painting competition. However, now that I am adding a chaplain too, I would like to expand them into a playable force, perhaps with scouts, scout bikers and some deep-striking terminators with librarian.

    I want them to be different from my Salamanders, who have no scouts or bikers.
